Tas.Weld River-Gemming

Tas.Weld River-Gemming


29/01/2021 - 31/01/2021    
15:00 - 18:00

Just outside a small town Moorina is the river called Weld, which is renowned for its Sapphires, Party Sapphires and Topaz.
This is a public fossicking area where no license is required if you are happy to fossick on the lower side of the bridge, if you intend to fossick up stream a license is required and these are available from the MRT website. You will need a set of sieves and or a gold pan and a long handle shovel

Camping both nights either at the on the grassland behind the Weldbourough Pub.

Limited phone service , No showers or toilets in the area so a good shovel will be required.

Dogs are allowed but must be kept on a lead at all times, parents will have to keep a close eye on their children as the river can be deep in places, river runs behind both camp spots.

BYO Food and Drinks.

Information from MRT website
Weld River fossicking area
This 2 km2 area is adjacent to the Tasman Highway at Moorina in northeast Tasmania, and is about 250 km NNE of Hobart and 70 km northeast of Launceston. The area can be reached by the Tasman Highway, either via Scottsdale or St Helens.

Collecting area
The two main collecting areas are shown on the accompanying map. One is reached from Frome Road, which leaves the Tasman Highway opposite the Moorina Golf Course, by walking along the banks of the Weld River. The other is reached via an all-weather track which leaves the Tasman Highway approximately two kilometres south of Moorina.
