Once the last spot is taken anyone that registers through the web site will go on a waiting list in case anyone pulls out.
A $50 deposit is required per vehicle for this trip. You will be advised how to make payment once you have registered.
Register for this trip at http://32u.2e2.mywebsitetransfer.com/events/sa-googs-track/
Join us for a trip to Goog’s Track.
Googs Track is 120 kilometres of 4wd track traversing part of the Yellabinna Conservation Park. It runs north from just south of the dingo proof fence north of Lone Oak, 40 km north of Ceduna , South Australia to Tarcoola on the East-West railway line. It is a popular adventure trek for 4wd enthusiasts, crossing 363 east west running sand dunes and is often compared to a ‘mini Simpson crossing’.
Exact plans and costing is still being worked out, but wanted to let members know well in advanced about this trip.
12 car limit.