So Ladies you’ve purchased your 4wd and want to go 4wding but you feel a bit like a fish out of water. You may also feel it’s all bit much to go out in a big group yet. Well this run maybe what you are looking for…
The track to the Grey’s Hill Lookout can be muddy and soft in places but don’t let this put you off as you will be traveling with experience drivers that will help you get to the destination in a safe manner..
This event is a two day event but if you want to come for one night or a day run on Saturday please do…If you are into photography throw your camera in as the views from the top are something special…
Campfires are allowed so if you could throw in a bag of wood that would be very much appreciated…Pack warm clothes as it can be cold on the hill as the elevation is 400m and can be windy…
The track in is suitable for Small Off Road Campers Only. The hut is situated southeast of Branxholm which is 30mins from Scottsdale…
Once we know who is coming we will work out a meeting place….