VENUE CHANGED For safety reasons…
Due to the conditions of the roads to the West Coast a decision has been made to changed where our event is being held. As the roads we would be traveling on to the hut have been covered in ice, black ice and snow and the forecast for the next week is the same, I feel it’s not very safe to head down. Would like our members and visitors to our club to arrive safely..Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Camp oven cook up which will be held at Browns Creek Road, Baker’s Beach. Arriving from Friday and the cook up competition will be held on Saturday evening. You will need to bring a camp oven, food for your winning meal, at least two bags of wood. Warm clothing as it is the winter and can be quite cold. No showers, or toilets so bring your shovel.
Track can be a little rough in places and can have low hanging branches so not suited to caravans with anything on the roof. Small camper trailers and smaller caravans will be fine.
Your meal will be getting judged on presentation and taste and you never know you may even win a prize. The judge will not know who cooked which meal to make it fair on everyone. There will be bucket which will have raffle tickets in it and participate will take one and once your meal is cooked and on the table you will place your raffle ticket under the plate. Cut off time for meals to be ready is 6pm on Saturday.
Dogs are allowed but must be kept under control at all times and on a leash., no exceptions as not everyone wants a dog roaming around their camp site.
Any questions please contact your team leaders Shelly Laundy and Damien Sligar.